Tuesday, July 08, 2008


This happened right before Christmas break at school....

I was on recess duty when one of my super smart second grade students came up to me and asked, "Miss H, what's jewish?" I told her that it was a great question and thought very carefully before I answered. I knew what church she goes to, so I told her that it's another religion and dove right into a very P.C. speech about different is good and it's about choice blah blah blah blah...
All the while, Madi just stood there very patiently listening. When I finally stopped talking, she very politely said, "I don't think we're talking about the same thing!" So I asked her to use it in a sentence and she says.....
"Well, I asked my teacher when our Christmas party was going to be and she pointed at the clock and said 'twoish'"....

Not one of my finer moments... Anyone have a suggestion for a good hearing aid?

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